Computer Room Cleaning


Air Samples Air samples could be taken from 3 or 4 locations of the sub-floor air plenum.
Graphic count could be given by location identifying the particle registration in addition to temperature and humidity checks.

Before cleaning All particulate concentrations registered an average of 558,600-micron size particles per cubic foot in the sub floor air plenum.

HEPA filtering after used our HEPA filtering with less then 0.03micron intake, all particle counts can be reduced to an average of 45,000 micron.
All of the particle counts taken after the HEPA cleaning are well within the Class 100,000 guidelines.

Remove Ferrous our duties will be of removing all heavy accumulations of concrete dust and ferrous metals from the sub-floor plenum.
We clean up after reconfiguration and upgrades of any movement of equipment.

Absorption test Absorption test could be taken from the sub-floor concrete slab. Check &
Inspect condition of the seal floor, if any.
Concrete that it not sealed/encapsulated will emit crystalline particles produced by efflorescence process.

Standard process Encapsulation of open concrete is a standard in the telecommunications and computer room environment. All major equipment manufactures and site environmental preparation guides recommend that this to be done.

Call Canada/ USA Gosunca Inc. 1-877-212-0845 Toll free or Local 905-824-9986 Fax 905-824-6892

Guidelines we follow IBM Installation manual - Publication GC22-7072-1
"If your site is unusually dirty or has a chemical odor, you should be concerned. Dirt and corrosive gases can cause corrosion and possible equipment damage… The building floor should be sealed to prevent dusting of concrete."

Guidelines-2 Unisys Installation Manual - Publication MA5227
" The quantity of dust in the air must not exceed 0.39 gram/1000M maximum… The specifications for dust pollutants as per United States Federal Standards 209… The primary floor must be poured concrete that has been sealed to provide dust and humidity control".

Project Encapsulation of sub-floor concrete plenum with Environmental Sealant. Floor seal. (Acrylic Emulsion Curing and Sealing Compound) is manufactured specifically for computer room environments. It has a stable, firm character that will not dry out, curl, or flake.

Characteristic of seal Floor seal. Enviro-seal is a non-flammable acrylic vapor seal that produces a rock hard finish separating the concrete and the above air plenum.

Cost per square feet. CAD [ to be quoted ]

Facility program environmental maintenance programs for data centers encourage scheduled maintenance of mainframe computer room. Regarding the need for doing this are the comments of the Digital Equipment Corporation Site Environmental Preparation Guide.

Procedures A computer room needs to be cleaned on a regularly scheduled basis. This is particularly important after an installation or upgrade. Besides the obvious places such as the tops of system cabinets and the floor surface, periodically clean underneath the raised floor and any other dust catching surfaces such as ductwork and raised floor airflow panels.

Techniques Specialized computer cleaning companies use techniques and equipment designed to efficiently clean without re-contaminating the computer environment or disturbing computer operation during cleaning.

Objective Thorough cleaning will keep the room free from harmful dust and contaminants which can infiltrate equipment and cause overheating, unnecessary wear, and reduced filter life.